Wednesday, February 29, 2012

laugh lines and quirks

today I held a headstand for just about my longest time ever, until I started thinking about how great I was doing.
then I lost my balance.

I touched my foot to the wall, then pulled back into balance, determined to focus on staying steady instead of congratulating myself for doing so well.
this worked better.

no matter how far we've come, how hard we've worked, how much we've learned, there is always more. always. at times I think I want to be done--be perfected, be enlightened, be at complete eternal peace--but then I remind myself of how boring that might be. (if not for me, certainly for everyone who knows me!)

complexity and imperfections are interesting: physical perfection is fleeting, mental milquetoast is boring, one who is completely predictable is, well, predictable. laugh lines and quirks are two of my favorite things in a person. I don't like to surround myself with people who always do what one might expect them to do.

some day I may be able to hold a headstand without wavering, for minutes at a time.
but there will always be other challenges, shortcomings, opportunities in my life.
I am destined to remain imperfect in this lifetime,
something I remind myself to be grateful for.

(and isn't this the perfect post for today: the year's quirky little day that proves the imperfection of our calendar? as one of my daughters said this morning: why do we need this day, anyway? it just makes my birthday one day further away.)

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