Friday, October 15, 2010

comments from the quads

my legs are begging me, clamoring, shrieking, please get us back on a bike! please, please.....
it's not because they're bored.
I'm currently in fort worth, texas, on a vacation with my kids, and I did not bring my bike. I believe it's been two years since I've been on any kind of a vacation without my bike. that one was only for two days, but this one is four days long. four days in a row, off my bike? eek.
I came into this thinking it will be good for me. stretch my comfort zone, expand my horizon, that kind of thing. push me into doing something different.
so I brought my tennies and some jogging/walking clothing, and yesterday I went out for my wog. or my jalk.
the weather here is gorgeous, absolutely perfect for being outdoors. the highs are around eighty degrees, with overnight lows in the upper fifties. there's a gentle breeze, and the skies are cloudless blue blue blue.
and no matter how fit and in shape I might be, there is obviously a huge difference in muscle usage between riding a bike and jogging, for my legs are talking to me every time I move the tiniest bit. I took the time to stretch four different times yesterday afternoon/evening, and then again before I went out today. I stretched for almost ten minutes when I finished my miles this morning.
and my legs are still begging, screaming, pleading with me to let them just spin a darn bike around instead of this ridiculous pavement pounding action I've forced them to do. please, susan, a bike!
nope. I am committed to my horizon-expanding plan, and will hit the road sans machinery again tomorrow. and possibly the next day. I still harbor this secret desire to be a runner, you know, and there is this little part of me that sees this enforced-bike-free time as an opportunity to step a bit closer to that goal. I don't want to give up cycling, but it would be nice to have the ability to run, as well.
so, I'll let those muscles keep complaining, and I'll tough it out because I have a self-improvement goal here. whether I'm getting closer to becoming a runner, or simply pushing a boundary, it's all movement in a good direction.
ow. time to hobble over and get a glass of water. ow.
get us back on a bike . . .

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